
Hypnosis for Addictions

Addictive or habitual problems including chemical dependence can be treated effectively with Hypnosis

A habit becomes an addiction when an individual cannot stop without symptoms of withdrawal .

Medical oversight and treatment is essential during the physical withdrawal period as these symptoms can be life threatening and sometimes,initially masked by seemingly minor discomforts similar to a severe case of the flu such as headaches,aches and pains.

Later,The addict will obsess about a behavior or a substance with a constant and intense desire to return to the behavior or substance.

      Conventional as well as modern chemicals and drugs provide very effective relief for many issues but there are obvious mental and physical penalties.

The latest research, published online and in professional journals indicate that Conventional counseling based on Twelve Step Programs can be successful, but according to most statistics their success rate is only about 20 percent.

Many studies show that using Hypnotherapy in addition to Twelve Step Programs can result in an over 80 percent success experience.

Hypnotherapy can provide individualized and specific individualized reprogramming.

Modern Ethical Clinical Hypnosis can be a very effective alternative by managing and replacing negative symptoms

Hypnotherapy is safe, reliable and quick, It helps the addict to resist the physical and emotional discomforts experienced in recovery.

Here at the Florida Holistics Institute we train licensed therapists to implement our proprietary,state of the art applied technology and custom professionally scripted live Hypnosis sessions augmented with Subliminal commands created by individuals who have successfully experienced the benefits of Hypnosis in their own recovery from addiction.

Methadone Addicts Quit with Hypnosis
94 Percent Remained Narcotic Free
”Significant differences were found on all measures. The experimental group had significantly less discomfort and illicit drug use, and a significantly greater amount of cessation. At six month follow up, 94 percent of the subjects in the experimental group who had achieved cessation remained narcotic free.”
A comparative study of hypnotherapy and psychotherapy in the treatment of methadone addicts.
Manganiello AJ.
American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 1984; 26(4): 273-9.


The exact causes of drug and alcohol addiction are not fully known. Neither is there an exact remedy or cure for addiction.  There are many treatment options available for drug/alcohol addition.  Hypnosis is one alternative approach.  Although Hypnosis may not be a stand-alone treatment but when it is expertly combined with other therapies, such as a 12-step program, Hypnosis can be an extremely effective approach. ”-Psychology Today, 9/96

In another recent study, clients who received Hypnosis treatments over a 1 yr.. period showed a 77% chance of remaining drug/alcohol free. (American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis,  Jul.. 2004  by Potter, Greg)

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